Year 3 and 4
Year 3 and 4
In the Lower Key Stage 2 classes, the History lessons build upon the basic skills learnt in Key Stage 1 and extend the children’s use of historical vocabulary and understanding of chronological order.
The children study the changes in Britain starting at the Stone Age and working up to the Iron Age. These studies include looking at the skills and tools of hunter-gatherers through to tribal kingdoms and hill forts.
The lower key stage 2 classes also focus on Ancient Egypt, as one of the earliest civilisations and draw comparisons and differences between then and now. The children carry out research, in order to look at the Ancient Egyptian’s achievements as well as an overview of where and when this civilisation thrived. These studies are supported by a day’s workshop in which the children immerse themselves in the lives of the Ancient Egyptians completing the roles of the time and reinforcing their views of this era.
In lower key stage 2, the children study the Roman Empire and the Anglo Saxons in relation to their impact upon Britain. The children will become aware of the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain including the Romanisation of Britain and the Roman aspects that have survived through to today. The children will also learn about the life and impact of Boudicca, as well as Julius Caesar’s attempted invasion.
Within the Anglo Saxon lessons, the children will focus on the invasions, settlements and kingdoms of the Anglo Saxons within Britain. The children learn about Anglo Saxon culture and beliefs and produce some Anglo Saxon art.