Equality Statement and Objectives
At Fairfields School and Nursery we acknowledge the importance of fostering good relations with all staff and users of our public service. To promote and foster good relations we will:
- Commit to eliminate discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, ethinic or national origin or any other grounds which cannot be justified.
- Take positive action to enhance the opportunities of those who experience discrimination or disadvantage.
- Use the strength of our partnerships with parents and service users to ensure good relationships continue to evolve and develop. Analysis of our policies and practices with regard to the requirements of the general duty.
As a matter of course and with immediate effect we undertake to review all policies and practices using an Equality Impact Assessment tool to ensure due regard is given to meeting the criteria of the General Duty. Our initial analysis of our policies and practices indicate that we are committed to:
- Eliminating discrimination and harassment
- Promoting equality of opportunity
- Promoting good relations and positive attitudes towards all people
- Encouraging participation in public life.
Our commitment covers equality on grounds of : age, disability, gender (including Trans-gender), race, religion/belief and sexual orientation.
We expect our staff and governors to put in place our commitment and organisational values by:
- Ensuring acceptable behaviour
- Responding to complaints and incidents in a positive and pro-active way
- Providing access to services, facilities and information
- Recruiting and employing people fairly and
- Meeting specific needs