Year 2
Autumn – Making Fire Engines (Mechanisms)
In this unit, the children will get excited about fire engines. The class will explore modern fire engines and their features, before exploring, designing, creating and evaluating their own model fire engine using wheels, axles and chassis. They will also look at 17th century fire engines too linked to the ‘Great Fire of London’.
Spring – Perfect Pizzas (Cooking and Nutrition)
In this unit, the class will get excited about healthy eating as they explore pizzas, discovering what a variety of toppings and bases look like, taste like and feel like. They will then have the challenge of designing and making their pizza to meet a design brief and evaluate it based on the criteria.
Summer – Puppets (Textiles)
In this unit, the class will find out how to work with fabric to create their own puppets. Starting off by looking at simple finger puppets, they will then develop and refine their sewing skills before designing, creating and evaluating their own fabric glove puppets. Welcome to the world of puppets!