Year 3
Autumn – Seasonal Food (Cooking and Nutrition)
In this unit, the class will learn about seasonal food and seasonal cooking. Why are certain foods in season at different times of year? Why is it good to eat seasonal food? How can we include seasonal food in a healthy, varied diet? The children will think about these questions and more, then cook using one of the recipes. This recipe could be linked to seasonal fruit, vegetables, meat, poultry, proteins, fish or seafood.
Spring – Moving Monsters (Mechanisms)
In this unit, the class will have the chance to get to grips with pneumatic systems before designing, making and evaluating their own monster with moving parts. This will be fun, fascinating and sometimes frightening as the children watch their moving monsters take shape!
Summer - Making Mini-Greenhouses (Structures)
In this unit, the children will turn into aspiring engineers and architects! The children will find out the purpose of a greenhouse and how it works, before moving on to exploring how structures like these can be made stable, and what materials would be the most appropriate to use. Children then apply this knowledge and understanding when designing, making and evaluating their very own mini greenhouse!